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Products Location:Products>>SMT fixture materials>>Anti-static Urethane
  • NameAnti-static Urethane
  • Number:SIZE:5*500*500mm

Antistatic Urethane has excellent abrasion resistance, high strength (3 to 5 times the ordinary rubber), and high elasticity (high voltage load, damping buffer is very effective), a wide adjustable range of hardness (Shore 10Ato 73D), there are more than A100 Shaw and more than one product, to adapt to a temperature of -40 ° C to +80 ° C, while more oil, acid and alkali resistance, radiation resistance, corrosion resistance, aging resistance and other functions. For shock absorption, cushioning buffer pad, pads, and more impact resistant than metal spring, not to hurt the mold. Anti-static resistance value of 10 ^ 6 to the 9 th power of 10.

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